About Me

In 2019 I left my corporate career of 20 years to follow a dream, to start my own business in a field I am very passionate about - mental health and wellness. I launched my brain child, Restore & Rewire, a sanctuary in Melbourne where busy professionals could escape to find calm during their working day - the first of its kind in Australia. People could book a meditation pod or sleep pod for 20 minutes (or longer) and then return to their place of work, feeling calmer and energized. Click here to watch my promotional video.

With the pandemic and an international move from Melbourne to Toronto, I am now setting about education others to reduce the stigma of mental illness and providing inspiration to meditate as a means of staying mentally well.

Of course, the passion was born from my own struggles, and subsequent break throughs, with recurrent anxiety and depression. It’s been one hell of a journey, from denying I was sick (“I just hate myself” I would say), to going on medication, swapping medication, off medication, introduction to mindfulness, ‘I can’t meditate’, ‘meditation doesn’t work for me’, on medication etc etc to then finally ‘getting it’.

I’ve been through every pitfall there is and it is my deep desire to help others by sharing the wisdom collected along the way so you don’t have to!

Listen to my recent interview on The Happiness Hunter podcast Ep. 82 Meditation for depression with Kath Ferguson


“There’s a crack in everything. That’s how the light gets in.” Leonard Cohen